JOIN US this Easter Season for
Christ in the Passover Seder Dinner
Wednesday, April 16th.
Seats are limited – you can get more info below,
sign up online, call in or sign up
at the back table at the church.
Thanks for visiting The Lighthouse online! We hope you enjoy looking around and
discovering answers to your questions. If you don’t find what you’re looking for please email us
and we’ll promptly respond. We hope your visit here will inspire you to meet us in person.
Biblically based; Spirit led
God gave us His word and He also gave us His Spirit. We seek to honor the Lord by honoring His word and following His Spirit.
Walk in Love
The greatest commandments are to love God and love our neighbor. At the Lighthouse, our goal is to walk in love, to love God and His people.
Every Believer is the Church of Today
You are here because God has called you to His Church today. Not yesterday or tomorrow, but today. Every believer of any age and circumstance is called to be a part of the Church of today.
Simple and Honest is Best
We are not fancy people. We are simply Christians doing our best to serve Jesus and one another. If you’re trying to do the same you’ll fit in just fine.